Short headline about mosquito control
These pests are rampant in the Memphis region and can ruin your summer leisure and entertaining plans. These days, mosquitos are more than annoying, too. With Zika concerns, mosquito bites can be dangerous, not just itchy! Instead of staying inside or wearing a permanent coat of Deet, choose our Memphis mosquito control.
Memphis Mosquito Control
Our Memphis mosquito control eliminates mosquitoes for weeks, giving you your summer back! We use a backpack sprayer to target plants and shrubs with a barrier spray that kills mosquitoes on contact. The repellent bonds to leaves and other foliage, preventing further inhabitation from these pests for weeks. Within 30 minutes of application, your yard is mosquito-free and safe for the family and pets!
In addition, our Memphis mosquito control provides the added benefit of killing fleas, ticks, ants, and roaches without harming pollinators like bees and butterflies. Contact us today to schedule your mosquito control, and take your yard back!